Discover Mozambique

Visit Mozambique

Discover Mozambique, a scenic coastal country in southern Africa. It has an extensive coastline, fronting the Mozambique Channel, which seperates mainland Africa from the island of Madagascar and offers some of Africa’s best natural harbours.

Southern Mozambique’s beautiful palm-lined white sand beaches are wonderfully crowd-free and offer great activities such as snorkeling, diving and game fishing.

But that’s not all, explore Mozambique’s national parks in the central and southern areas – Gorongosa, Zinave, Bazaruto and Banhine. A transnational park combines Kruger National Park in South Africa, Gonarezhou National Park in Zimbabwe and Limpopo National Park in Mozambique to form the Great Limpopo Trans-frontier Park.

Discover the Ibo island, which is situated in the Quirimbas Archipelago, a string of islands off the northen coast of Mozambique.

Ibo was once an important trading centre on the East African coast, but its stately mansions now lie in ruins. Travel back in time to catch a glimpse of East Africa as it once was. Experience some of Mozambique’s most exclusive, romantic lodges, world-class diving and phenomenal beaches. Embark in island hopping kayaking adventures and dive in the protected reefs surrounding the archipelago.


Visit Gorongosa National Park, a preserved area in the Great Rift Valley of central Mozambique. Its forests and savannahs are home to lions, hippos and elephants.

From the moment you set foot here, your life will never be the same. Experience the rich wildlife and landscapes of Gotongosa.

Lake Urema and its surrounding wetlands and rivers attract scores of water birds. The multi-tiered Murombodzi Falls spills over jagged rocks on the slopes of Mount Gorongosa. Limestone gorges and bat filled caves define Cheringoma Plateu.

After a long mountain hike or a rugged safari, you can relax in the exclusive premium villa in Montebelo Gorongosa Lodge, a one-of-a-kind suite for a family or group that is looking for a luxurious stay on their African safari.


The coral reefs of Two Mile Reef in the Bazaruto Archipelago are considered to showcase some of the most diverse and untouched in the indian ocean. One of the snorkel sites on Two Mile Reef – also known as Aquarium – is infamous as a snorkelling site with numerous types of coral rocks, boulders, swim throughs, and overhangs. There are 5 species of turtle within the marine park and Surgeon, Moonish Idols, Parrot, Angel and Butterfly fish, Rays, Game fish and nurse Sharks are jusr some of the wonders we encounter on a regular basis
