Discover Ghana

Visit Ghana

West africa’s golden child, Ghana is definately a must-visit destination! With its welcoming beaches, gorgeous hinterland, rich culture, vibrant cities, diverse wildlife and easy transport, it has solidified itself as a prime holidy destination.

Ghana spans the Gulf of Guinea and the Atlantic Ocean to the south, sharing borders with Ivory Coast in the west, Burkina Faso in the north, and Togo in the east.

The capital, Accra, is a vibrant but often misunderstood city, a heaving metropolis of food dtalls and football shirts, music and markets, swich hotels and swirling street life. It has few big sights as such, but makes for an engaging introduction to the country as a whole. Further along the coast, there’s just as much to absorb in seaside settlements like Cape Coast, once a slave port but now a cultural destination in its own right. Its dark past is testament to the various European powers that at different times held sway in the region.

Mole is Ghana’s first, largest and most prestigious protected area. The park is managed mainly for its outstanding natural, physical, historical and cultural values. It covers an area of 4,577km2 of fairly undisturbed Guinea savannah in the northen part of Ghana.

Mole is rich in biodiversity and home to some 742 vascular plant species, over 90 mamal species including 5 primate species, of which species of conservation and tourist interest include elephant, buffallo, kob, western Hartebeest, Roan Antelope, Defassa Waterbuck, oribi, bohor, reedbuck and red-flanked duiker.


Kakum National Park, located in the coastal environs of the Central Region of Ghana, covers an area of 375 square kilometers (145 sq mi). Originally established as a reserve in 1931, it was officially gazetted as a national park in 1992 after an initial survey of avifauna was conducted. The park is characterized by its tropical forest.

Kakum boasts one of only three canopy walkways in Africa. The 350-meter-long walkway connects seven tree tops, providing access to the forest. Visitors can experience the forest from a unique vantage point.

The park is home to several endangered species, including the Diana monkey, giant bongo antelope, yellow-backed duiker, and African elephant.It is also an Important Bird Area, with 266 bird species recorded, including the white-breasted guineafowl and grey parrot.


The Accra coastline is dotted with many public beaches, castles and forts. All these beautiful public spaces offer access to the beautiful view of the Atlantic Ocean crashing acainst the shore. Labadi Beach, however, is unique among these for its range of dynamic beachside activities. It offers a great urban beach experience, with a clean beachfront, good food and music and new friends jusr around the corner.

Labadi Beach or more properly known as La Peasure Beach is the busiest beach on Ghana’s coast. It is one of Accra’s beaches and is maintained by local hotels. Labadi Beach is in a town called La, popularly known as Labadi, near Teshie in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana.
