
Make your next event memorable by giving it an African theme!

We are here to assist in styling your next event with the wonder and Magesty of Africa

Whether you are hosting a birthday, wedding, pary, conference or holiday celebration, our cultural setting will turn your event into a truly African experience.\.

Wow your guests with our uniquely styled backdrops, props, music and delicious traditional African cuisine. Show your guests your appreciation and reverence of the Motherland and nurture the love of Afrca.

Wherever you may be, we will bring the African experience directly to you!

Our Events

ThandoAfrika Events

At ThandoAfrika, we host events yearly that celebrate all things Africa. helping you connect with your roots and gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of all the different cultures and traditions from all over the Motherland.

These are joyous occasions for families and children of all ages where we come together to appreciate African History and get a chance to indulge in traditional food and music.

Have a look at our upcoming ThandoAfrika Events. Also follow us on social media to keep up to date with all thinga Africa!

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